Squeezing ClickHouse into Cloud Run

Here is one of my bad ideas that was nevertheless fun to think through. I am not suggesting you actually do this for anything serious. Really, I’m not. Serverless data technologies already exist. The idea I really like ClickHouse. Compared to the expanse of complex software in the big data space, it’s refreshing to run a single process. Although not without its foibles, it’s very fast and versatile. Running it on Cloud Run is likely a bad idea....

January 23, 2020 · Alex Reid

Hello Hugo and Cloud Run!

I’ve been meaning to get off Medium for a while so decided to self-host these posts. Things have changed quite a lot since the last time I did this, which is probably approaching twenty years ago. The page you’re seeing is coming from nginx image hosted on Google Cloud Run, which contains a site generated by Hugo. Google Cloud Build is used to build this image and deploy it to Google Cloud Run....

January 19, 2020 · Alex Reid